m o v e m e n t

the FOR.project
Photo : Rromir Imami . Art : Asnaby
Give life to art works with dance
The FOR.project is the association of a foundation in plastic arts (FAW), a photographer (Rromir) and a dancer (Oraya). Our vision : giving life to art works through dance live performances. You have an art gallery, or a space where paintings, photographies, sculptures are exposed ? Write to us in the section below or at thefor.performance@gmail.com.
What to expect ? Depending the context, the performance can last in between 8 to 15 minutes. A solo in which Oraya dances to give life to the art works exposed around. The creative choice of the music, the movements story telling, the costumes and of the lights will be designed especially to match the essence of the art pieces. The dance can be seen as a communicator in between the art works and the public, offering a new angle to observe and feel them.